A Generation at Risk: Combating Teen Opioid Abuse with Evidence-Based Strategies
Introduction: A Growing Crisis Adolescence is a time of growth and exploration but also of vulnerability. Among the many…
Introduction: A Growing Crisis Adolescence is a time of growth and exploration but also of vulnerability. Among the many…
Scholar's Corner
Attending college is often seen as a milestone, offering the promise of independence and opportunity. Students across th…
Scholar's Corner
As Halloween approaches, it's not just ghosts and goblins we need to be wary of. With the rising threat of fentanyl maki…
Scholar's Corner
If I were to ask you, “How does addiction start?” What would be your answer? Many people do not understand h…
The Gerchow and DeVivo family’s profound loss of Xavier to fentanyl poisoning was a heart-wrenching event that lef…
Scholar's Corner
The opioid epidemic continues to plague communities, with youth increasingly at risk. In the US, the child and adolescen…
Scholar's Corner
Fentanyl Facts for Teens: In today's culture, it is not uncommon site to see or hear of teenagers regularly engaging in…
It’s spring break for my school district, a much-needed week off for everyone. When we come back from break, boys&…
Scholar's Corner
“O le tele o lima e mama ai se avega”
“E so’o le fau i le fau”
“E le tu f…
"My Dearest Xavier,
In grief, countless emotions and feelings are coursing through the body at once. Som…
The opioid crisis is a pervasive issue, and today, fentanyl is one of the most potent and dangerous contributors to the…
Newsletter Article
Hello XFamily, As we welcome the New Year, we want to personally thank you for supporting XFoundation and helping us rai…
Navigating the Holidays Together: Local Resources and Support It's the holidays. The holiday season is a time of joy, bu…