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Make An Impact

XFoundation is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization. Contributions are tax-deductible for income, gift, and estate taxes. Our EIN is 87-4126558. We are committed to providing healthy and creative outlets for our communities.

We are a nonprofit 501(c)(3) charitable organization (EIN 87-4126558), and contributions are tax-deductible for income, gift, and estate taxes.

Your Generous Donations Contribute To:

How It Works People In Our Communities

Every life we touch represents hope, strength, and resilience. Thanks to your support:

  • Families are gaining access to life-saving Narcan when and where they need it.
  • Teens and young adults are learning the dangers of fentanyl and how to protect themselves.
  • Children are finding hope through prevention programs, breaking the cycle before it starts.
  • Women are empowered to dream big and build thriving futures for themselves and their families.

These are more than just numbers. They're stories of transformation and lives saved.


How It Works Partnerships for Further Outreach

Our mission to combat the fentanyl crisis would not be possible without the support of our incredible partners. Together, we're creating a safer, brighter future by raising awareness, providing resources, and empowering communities to take action.

  • SCOPE: Ensuring we have adequate Narcan supplies to distribute where it's needed most.
  • Jack Swigart: Helping children avoid becoming a statistic by offering prevention tools and resources.
  • Denver Dynasty: Empowering women to rise above challenges and achieve their dreams, creating ripples of hope across families and communities.

We believe that partnership is the foundation of meaningful change. Together, we're building a future where no one has to lose a loved one to fentanyl poisoning.

How It Works Life-Saving Resources

Change happens when we work together. That's why we're pulling in resources from trusted organizations and companies that share our vision:

  • Educational Tools to empower communities with the knowledge to reconize and respond to fentanyl poisoning.
  • Prevention Programs by partnering with experts to help children and teens stay safe.
  • Community Outreach to expand awareness through campaigns, events, and talk tracks.
  • Life-Saving Solutions: Distributing Narcan to at-risk communities to prevent tragedies.

Whether you're a donor, volunteer, or advocate, these resources help fuel our collective fight against fentanyl.


  Thank you for being a part of this journey.
